NSSA newsbits

  • Editorial Office


Currently, 59 nutritionists and 144 nutrition students are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). The list of registered nutritionists can be accessed on the HPCSA website, www.hpcsa.co.za, by following the link “Professional Boards” from the side menu and selecting “Dietetics and Nutrition”. Then, select “Access to Register” from the new side menu. Click on “Register” and select “Nutritionist” from the drop-down menu. Useful information about registration as a nutritionist is also available on the HPCSA website.
How to Cite
Office, E. (1). NSSA newsbits. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24(2), 112. Retrieved from http://ww.sajcn.co.za/index.php/SAJCN/article/view/541