Do tuck shops contribute to an unhealthy, obesogenic lifestyle among schoolchildren?

  • Herculina Salome Kruger North West University (Potch)
  • Anniza de Villiers Medical Research Council
Keywords: children, tuck shops, overweight


The World Health Organization’s (WHO) projections indicate that noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) will be responsible for a significantly increased total number of deaths in the next decade. Africa is one of the regions where the greatest increase is expected.1 Interventions to prevent NCDs on a populationwide basis are not only achievable, but also cost effective.1 The WHO proposes “best buy” actions that should be undertaken immediately to accelerated progress in terms of lives saved, diseases prevented and healthcare costs saved. Nutritionrelated actions include reducing salt intake and replacing trans fat in food with polyunsaturated fat. There is also consistent evidence that the promotion of healthy eating in schools can reduce the risk for NCDs, hence the WHO policy on schoolbased interventions. Another cost-effective and population-wide intervention proposed by the WHO is restrictions on marketing of foods and beverages high in salt, fats and sugar, especially to children.1

Author Biographies

Herculina Salome Kruger, North West University (Potch)
Centre of Excellence for Nutrition Professor of Nutrition
Anniza de Villiers, Medical Research Council
Scientist Chronic Diseases of Lifestyle Unit
How to Cite
Kruger, H., & de Villiers, A. (1). Do tuck shops contribute to an unhealthy, obesogenic lifestyle among schoolchildren?. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24(3), 121-122. Retrieved from