Obituary: Dr Douw Greeff

  • Demetre Labadarios Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)


With great sadness the SAJCN’s Editorial Management Board and the Councils of its parent Societies, Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA), the Nutrition Society of South Africa (NSSA) and the South African Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SASPEN), wishes to inform its members of the premature passing on the 11th November of Dr Douw Greeff, the CEO of our publishing company, Medpharm Publications, which Douw established as a landmark entity in the medical publishing domain over the past 25 years.
How to Cite
Labadarios, D. (1). Obituary: Dr Douw Greeff. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 27(4), 184. Retrieved from
Editor's Note